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PLX CRISTAL colorless

permanent antigraffiti / anti-adhesive

proteccion antigrafiti transparente

Anti-graffiti and anti-adhesive protection

Easy cleaning

Great durability (+ 10 years)

Easy cleaning of graffiti

Transparent, shiny and satin

Does not change the color of the surface

UVA protection, protects against sun rays

Dissuasive effect for graffiti artists, they do not fit well graffiti and

we can also clean them every time


You can apply on: 

Stone, Marble, Cement, Concrete, Porcelain, Natural stone,

Iron, Galvanized steel, Stainless steel, Aluminum, Copper, Steel, Paints, ...


On porous surfaces, apply PLX PRIMER.








UV protector.

Avoid sticking stickers and posters.





Not combustible

Self-cleaning (environmental elements).



High flexibility

VOC (apliated) = 0

proteccion antigraffiti permanente PLX cristal brillante
proteccion antigraffiti
plx cristal brillante proteccion antigraffiti permanente

Duration: more than 10 years

Cleaning: + 50.

Performance: 18-22 m2 / liter

Finish: glossy (01), satin (02) and RAL color (03).

For porous surfaces PLX Primer is recommended.

Tricomponent easy mix product

Reduction of maintenance costs of 80%.

Durable and durable finish.

Storage without mix of more than 1 year

Graffiti cleaning (once protected with PLX CRISTAL)

The surfaces protected with PLX CRISTAL allow multiple cleaning, provided that they are carried out with the products and recommended methods.


We differentiate the type of cleaning according to the type of graffiti:

Ggrafitis grandes: we pulverize PLX Graff and clean with water under pressure

Graffiti signature / Spray Tag: We clean with Decanol + rag


Clean with a plastic brush with circular movements and remove with a dry cloth.

If the graffiti persists, use PLX DECANOL spraying the graffiti and leaving it to work for 1 to 3 minutes, then wipe it with a dry cloth and rinse with water afterwards.


On exceptional occasions if the graffiti persists to repeat the previous process with DECAPARKS.


If someone paint graffiti within 10 days of polymerization, DO NOT CLEAN, wait until the product is completely dry.

Importance of the deterrent effect

The dissuasive effect makes graffiti drawings not look good.

We can also clean them easily and get tired of painting.

By regularly cleaning the surfaces, the graffiti artists see that their work does not last and they end up desisting and looking for other places to do it.


We try to show that by protecting an area with permanent anti-graffiti a DETERRENT EFFECT is achieved

PLX CRISTAL efecto disuasorio de proteccion antigraffiti
PLX CRISTAL efecto disuasorio de proteccion antigraffiti


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